Fire Administrator

February is American Heart Month!  In honor of heart month, Harpswell's Department of Safety & Emergency Services is looking for groups and businesses that want to learn CPR. Please send your interest to firefighter Meriel Longley at or Fire Administrator Mike Drake.

Follow this link to the Fire and Rescue Page.

Did you know that you can obtain burning permits on-line?  Go to - and choose Cumberland County.

Over the past 6 moths the Harpswell fire fighters and volunteers have been working on updating and adding AEDs to our town. Part of the updating process has been mapping where each AED is located, and then making that information available to the public. So that all potential AED users will have access to updated AED location information, we have implemented the use of a free informational App known as Pulse Point. Pulse Point will describe AED locations, map that location, and can even show a photo of the AED's position within a building. A big thanks to local business  and organizations that have purchased AEDs. Your actions have made our community safer.

If you are looking for a CPR/AED class please contact us!




Emergency Preparedness