Floodplain Management Ordinance Overview

Proposed Floodplain Management Ordinance 6-06-24

Planners Memo 06-05-24 - Floodplain Management Ordinance comparison of issues and revisions 

Sue Baker follow-up from Planning Board Public Hearing 5-29-24


The FIRMS (flood insurance rate maps) listed below are incorporated in the Floodplain Management Ordinance by reference and will be adopted as part of the Ordinance. The Ordinance (and referenced maps) will be voted on at a special Town Meeting on June 15, 2024 with an effective date of June 20. If the FIRM has a corresponding revised panel, the revised panel will be the effective map. Please read the FAQ below and reach out to the Code Enforcement Office with any questions.


FIRM index - tax map overlay

FIRM index

0558 FIRM 

0559 FIRM

0564 FIRM

0566 FIRM

0567 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0568 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0569 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0576 FIRM

0577 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0578 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0579 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0581 FIRM

0582 FIRM

0583 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0584 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0586 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0587 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0588 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0589 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0591 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0592 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0593 FIRM

0594 FIRM

0727 FIRM

0729 FIRM

0731 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0732 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0733 FIRM

0734 FIRM

0751 FIRM → Revised by Ransom

0752 FIRM

0753 FIRM

0754 FIRM 

0756 FIRM

0757 FIRM

0758 FIRM

0759 FIRM


Associated Documents

Frequently Asked Questions! 

History of the 2024 FIRMS

LOMC to be incorporated

LOMC to be superseded

FEMA 12-20-23 letter

FEMA 1-8-24 letter